BEHAVIORIf you choose to be in my classroom, you choose to be nice to your fellow photographers. I maintain a zero tolerance policy for the following: verbal and physical bullying, verbal and physical abuse, intimidation, passive bullying, sabotage, hate speech or behavior, and slurs based on gender, race, ethnic background, sexual preference, economic status, religious affiliation, political affiliation, or any other affiliation that sets a person apart from the mainstream. No student will be marginalized in my classroom, and anyone making that student feel unwelcome will be be asked to leave temporarily or permanently. This is not negotiable, and applies to all students.
SAFETYPhotography includes a handful of standard classroom processes and it is imperative that all students follow stated and posted procedures in the classroom and darkroom. Failure to do so will result in a verbal reminder on the first occasion, and a reduction of 10% of the student’s current project final score for each of the following occasions. If a situation/event is such that the education environment and/or other student’s learning/progress/safety is compromised, the student will be removed from the class permanently. Due to the use of chemicals, this policy will be adhered to strictly and without exception.
IN-CLASS PARTICIPATION POINTS Photographer/students will be scored daily on IN-CLASS PARTICIPATION and WORK for a total of THREE POINTS. These points will be added on a weekly basis. If a student is on-task, focused, and behaving appropriately, the total earned for that day will be three points. Actions that will cause a student not to earn the three points will be making calls on a mobile phone, texting, Facebook'ing or other on-line social networking, using the web for nefarious/inappropriate means, not bringing photographic materials (negatives, paper, etc.), sitting and doing nothing, working on assignments for other classes (this last one, in particular, is incensing so please refrain from it), etc. Basically, if you are engaged and working, and do not waste yours or my time in class, your participation score will be fine.
ATTENDANCE/MISSED WORK/LATE WORK POLICYYour success is dependent upon your physical and mental attendance during each class period. If you are tardy or absent, please enter the classroom with a pass from your originating location. If a pass is not presented, the tardy is unexcused (no exceptions). Excused absences provide you with a grace period of how many days you were absent to complete the assignment(s). Work that is missed due to an unexcused tardy or absence cannot be submitted for credit, but must be completed in order to meet basic course requirements and a passing grade.
Cameras are small and portable, and can be brought on vacations, trips to the beach, weekends at a parent's house, extended stays in the hospital, etc. 'Not having time' to complete a project will NOT be accepted as an excuse for work not completed, as obviously, one can take their camera with them to most places/functions.
If the assignment is web-based (email to Hohman, research, reading, etc.) the classroom is yours for the using. You are welcome to come in before school, at lunch, and after school to complete these types of assignments. For example: Not having web access at home on a Sunday night for an assignment due on Monday is not a valid excuse. Do not wait to the last minute, as that is not a valid excuse. That is a choice, and one must accept that that choice may not have been the best available when prioritizing school and personal life. As long as you remember that A REASON IS NOT AN EXCUSE, and that ‘reasons’ will not be accepted as a pass for late work, you will free both of us from having to engage in what will probably be unpleasant conversation resulting in the ‘reason’ not being accepted as an excuse.
ESIS. It is expected that you check the ESIS STUDENT: ( calendar for assignments you have missed, and for your academic progress.
Parents are encouraged to check the ESIS PARENT site at:
MAKE-UP WORKOther than the final project, and assembling of the final portfolio, all Incomplete assignments for the semester must be completed by Friday, May 27, 2011. After this date, no late work will be added to your cumulative semester grade. No exceptions.
TARDIES:You must be inside the door at the bell - with all your photo materials (negatives, paper, etc.). If you must leave the class to retrieve photo materials, you will be considered tardy. No exceptions.
Every TWO unexcused tardies will drop your final semester grade by 3%. Example: If your semester total on the last day of class is 90%, but you have been tardy two times, your total for the semester will drop to 87%. No exceptions. This does not apply to excused tardies with a pass from your originating location.
CLASS EQUIPMENT, AND CHECK OUT of THAT EQUIPMENTIf a student is using in class, or has checked out equipment (camera, tripod, enlarger, darkroom equipment, computers and peripherals, memory cards, scanners, cables) for a any period of time, that student is responsible for the care and/or replacement of that equipment if said equipment is damaged, stolen, or returned in less-than working order. Given that food/drink are not allowed in the class, if food or drink is spilled and renders classroom equipment unusable, that student is responsible for the care and/or replacement of said equipment.
MATERIALS NEEDED:-35mm SLR film or digital camera
-8-10 clear plastic sheet covers
-3-ring binder
-Fine-point permanent marker
READINGS & RESEARCHRegular student readings will be given in class, or as take-home reading for discussions we will have in class. We will discuss issues relating to the role of photojournalism in our world culture, the ethics of photojournalism, past/current/future controversies in photojournalism, the history of photojournalism, and other topics as they arise.
We will have daily discussion/writing about a photo essay, photograph, or other subject matter.
SCORING AND GRADING OF CLASS TIMEDaily participation is earned by being involved in, verbal and communicative, and mentally present during the class period. Up to 3 points for each class period will be earned based on quality and thoroughness of your participation in the class activities.
Photographic work will be scored by two measures.
First, the quality of the prints will be scored by the general rubric that you have become familiar with in either Photo 1 or Photo 2 course. Secondly, and since this course deals with story telling, each project will have an overall grade earned for the quality of the story component. (This rubric will be published to you once we are underway for the semester)
SCORING & GRADING OF EACH PHOTOGRAPHIC STORY/PROJECTEach project will be worth 100 points and include the following:
Five photographs (each worth up to ten points based on the rubric) = 50 points
A score earned for the narrative value of the photo essay = 50 points.
Total per project: 100 points
The photograph is exceptionally well exposed, developed, printed, and presented (no defects of any kind).
The range of value is exceptional (beyond 10 tints/shades of gray) and includes an unmistakably deep and rich absolute black, white, and middle gray)
The composition is exceptionally composed and obviously follows the rule of thirds, symmetrical or asymmetrical balance, or can be verbally justified as to why it does not.
A combination of the elements of design (line, shape, form, texture, space, and value) are not just present, but it is clear that the photographer uses the devices in an intentional and deliberate manner, and has a firm handle on their ability to unify a composition.
The photograph has that ‘something extra’ – apparent either through subject matter, careful attention to detail, or methods of photographing - that raise it to the category of aesthetically exceptional. In other words, the photograph stands-up to the best of all high school level photography that is being done.
The photograph is very well exposed, developed, printed, and presented (no defects of any kind).
The range of value is beyond 10 tints/shades of gray, and includes an unmistakably deep and rich absolute black, white, and middle gray
The composition is deliberately and very well composed and obviously follows the rule of thirds, symmetrical or asymmetrical balance, or can be verbally justified as to why it does not.
A combination of the elements of design (line, shape, form, texture, space, and value) is present, and it is clear that the photographer uses the devices in an intentional and deliberate manner, and has a firm handle on their ability to unify a composition.
The photograph commands attention and stands above others as a work to aspire to.
The photograph is mostly well exposed, developed, printed, and presented, (Defects or blemishes are apparent, but minimal)
A range of value is present, and includes an absolute black, white, and middle gray.
The composition is mostly composed and follows the rule of thirds, symmetrical or asymmetrical balance, or can be verbally justified as to why it does not.
A combination of the elements of design (line, shape, form, texture, space, and value) is mostly present,
The photograph is pleasing to look at and holds the viewer’s sustained attention.
The photograph is somewhat well exposed, developed, printed, and presented, (Defects or blemishes are present).
A small range of values is present, and an absolute black and white are present.
The composition is somewhat composed, but may appear haphazard or accidental.
A combination of the elements of design (line, shape, form, texture, space, and value) is mostly present,
The photograph holds the viewer’s attention for a few moments.
The photograph is not well exposed, developed, printed, and presented, (Defects or blemishes are plentiful.)
A range of value is not present – absolute black and white are missing.
The composition is not composed using the rule of thirds, symmetrical or asymmetrical balance,
The elements of design (line, shape, form, texture, space, and value) are not present.
The photograph does not hold the viewer’s attention.
Did not complete the assignment fully, or did not demonstrate enough skills, product, work to be scored.
Due by midnight, Friday, February 11, 2011.
1. Once you and your parent/guardian have read the above syllabus and expectations, send a confirmation email to from THE STUDENT'S EMAIL ADDRESS.
In the subject line put your name and period, like this: "JOE PHOTOGRAPHER - B1" (of course, using your own name and period)
In the body of the email list the parent's name that reviewed this syllabus with you, and that the two of you agree to the terms. Until this email is received I cannot allow a student to use classroom equipment.
If you are purchasing film and paper through me, please bring a check or cash for $50 payable to TuHS Photo. The bulk order will be placed on Wed, Feb. 9.